Central Valley
Adult Learning Association

Canadian Adult Education Credential Testing
The GED® is no longer available in Canada effective May 3, 2024. The Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) provides a high-quality, Canadian education credential to replace the GED®.
There is no effect on the validity of completed GED® credentials. The GED® will continue to be recognized as a valid credential.
Study Resources
Test Centre Policies
Know Your Login Information
Please ensure you know your Vretta login information, including the email address used to sign up and your password. You will need this information to access the test.
Arrive on Time
The test will begin at the scheduled time. Please arrive 10 minutes early to allow time for check-in. You must be in your seat, logged in, and ready to start at the scheduled time.
Wait Quietly If the Door Is Closed
If the door is closed when you arrive, another test is still in session. Please wait quietly until the room is available.
Mandatory Identification
You must bring two forms of valid ID:
Primary ID (government-issued, not expired, including your name, date of birth, photo, and signature).
Secondary ID (must include your name and not be expired).
Failure to bring the required identification will result in being unable to write the test
Electronic Devices
All electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartwatches) must be turned off and stored away during the test.
Personal Belongings
Personal items, such as books, calculators, and notes, are not permitted at your desk. Anything needed for the test will be provided. You cannot bring your own supplies.
Test Environment
To ensure a fair testing environment:
No talking is allowed once the test begins.
Food and drinks are not permitted (except for water in a clear, label-free bottle).
Late Arrivals
Candidates arriving after the scheduled start time will not be permitted to write the test and will need to reschedule.
Cheating and Misconduct
Any form of cheating, including using unauthorized materials or devices, will result in immediate disqualification and removal from the test.
Writing Frequency
You may write each subject test only once per calendar month and up to 3 times per calendar year. Rewriting the same subject test in which a passing score was achieved is not allowed.
Test Schedule and Registration
All CAEC test registrations and schedules are managed through Vretta. To register for a test and view available dates, you will need to create an account.
Testing Supports
Testing supports are available to assist you during the CAEC exams. These supports are not automatic and must be requested in advance. Depending on your needs, you may be eligible for extra time, scheduled breaks, or a private room.
Supports are grouped into three categories:
Universal Supports - These features and tools are available to all candidates to enhance accessibility and comfort during testing. They can be requested on the day of the test, prior to starting the exam.
Special Arrangements - These are adjustments made for candidates who need additional considerations during testing. Requests for special arrangements must be submitted and approved when booking your test. Supporting documentation may be required.
Accommodations - Accommodations are specific supports for candidates with documented disabilities or exceptional needs. These must be applied for and approved when booking your test, with documentation provided from a healthcare or educational professional.
All candidates must reapply for supports with each test application.
For questions, contact our accommodations coordinator Emily Morrissey: testing@cvala.ca
The process for requesting supports...
Step 1: Identify Your Needs
When booking your CAEC test, decide if the universal supports provided will meet your needs or if you require additional supports.
Step 2: Select Your Support Option
During the test booking process, you will see two options:
"The above universal supports meet my needs"
"Continue" > "I require additional supports"
If you need additional supports, select the second option.
Step 3: Complete the Support Request
After selecting "I require additional supports," the accommodations coordinator will receive your request and send you an email containing a link to the testing supports request form. Fill out the form and include any required documentation (e.g., medical or educational assessments) as outlined in the email.
Step 4: Submit Your Request
Complete and submit the form as soon as possible. This ensures that your request can be reviewed well before your test date.
Step 5: Confirmation and Scheduling
The accommodations coordinator will review your submission. Once your request is approved, they will contact you to confirm your testing supports and provide details about your test date, which may be scheduled outside of regular testing sessions.
Test Subjects, Scores, and Format
Number of Questions: 50 questions
Test Duration: 75 minutes
Results Timeline: Approximately 2 business days.
Number of Questions: 1 persuasive writing task
Test Duration: 75 minutes
Results Timeline: Approximately 20 business days.
Number of Questions:
42 questions
12 questions (Part I: No calculator)
30 questions (Part II: calculator)
Test Duration: 120 minutes
Results Timeline: Approximately 2 business days.
Number of Questions: 35 questions
Test Duration: 90 minutes
Results Timeline: Approximately 2 business days.
Social Studies
Number of Questions: 40 questions
Test Duration: 90 minutes
Results Timeline: Approximately 2 business days.
Understanding Scores
To pass a CAEC test, you need a score of 55% or higher.
Results will be displayed as letter categories on caec.vretta.com as ES, MS, AS, or DMS.
Exceeds Minimum Standard (ES) 80-100%
Meets Minimum Standard (MS) 55-79%
Approaching Minimum Standard (AS) 40-54%
Does Not Standard (AS) 0-39%